6 essential oils to encourage balance and relaxation during the holidays

6 essential oils to encourage balance and relaxation during the holidays

We all know the hallmark signs of the holiday season, where trees are dressed in colourful decorations, scents travel of backyard BBQs, and parties and road trips are being planned.

During what is supposed to be a fun and relaxing time of year, many of us experience more stress than ever as the busy-ness of the season piles on pressures such as meeting end of year deadlines, completing lengthy to-do lists, and navigating our way through various social obligations. This often leads to feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and far from festive. 

To help reduce feelings of anxiousness, irritability, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and low mood, try essential oils to help restore and maintain a sense of calm and clarity these holidays. 

The essences of aromatic plants have been used for centuries for their health promoting benefits through the powerful effects of their aromas/scents. Essential oils can help to encourage balance, restoration, invigoration and relaxation within the body.

The following 6 essential oils can be easily incorporated into daily life as nurturing and supportive allies as the year begins to wrap up.

Lavender (Lavandula augustifolia)

The well-known Lavender herb has psycho-therapeutic qualities that center around soothing the heart and quietening feelings of nervous anxiety and panic.    

It is a gentle sedative that can help to calm and restless child or adult, particularly at night with just 2 drops on a pillow. 

The soothing and comforting nature of lavender makes it ideal for instances of impatience, irritability, mood swings, anger, oversensitivity, stress, and anxiety. 

Lemon (Citrus limonum)

Lemon boasts a light, clear, and refreshing scent which is excellent for uplifting and revitalizing mind and spirit. 

A mind full of tasks and weighed down by indecision can easily be invigorated by the positive energy of lemon, restoring clarity and focus. 

Use of Lemon essential oil is helpful when confronted by irritability, indecision, lethargy, and tiredness as it is light and stimulating to the mind. 

Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)

Clary Sage is described as the most euphoric of all essential oils, particularly effective for stress-related complaints which often manifest as tension in both mind and body. It is uplifting and harmonizing.

This tonic essential oil can dispel nervous anxiety and confusion and help to restore clarity, while simultaneously relieving physical body tension and discomfort. 

The ability of Clary Sage to bring clarity and assist in transitional phases of life make it an ideal choice for those experiencing low mood, oversensitivity, tearfulness, lack of drive, and nightmares. 

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)

German Chamomile is a remedy for balance and relaxation, working on the solar plexus energy center of the body which can be a core of pent-up frustrations. 

An oil that is perfect for bedtime, Chamomile has a calming influence and helps carry one-off into a deep sleep and thus, waking more rested in the morning. 

The cooling nature of Chamomile can help douse fiery states of nervous tension, frustration, irritability, upset, and anger. It can bring inner calm, a sense of comfort, and is gently sedating. 

Rose (Rosa damascena)

Considered the Queen of essential oils, Rose represents beauty, harmony, compassion, and love.   

The gentle natur of this oils gives one the courage to deal with broken hearts, low mood, anxiety, jealously, anger, and grief. 

Rose helps to bring balance to mind and emotions in a comforting way, making it excellent for enhancing overall emotional wellbeing. 

Bergamot (Citrus aurantium s. bergamia)

The delightful scent of Bergamot essential oil is derived from the peel of the fruit. It is refreshing and uplifting, perfect for moments where things feel ‘stuck’ to help encourage the flow of energy. 

This is an oil that helps to promote a positive outlook and stimulate the flow of energy through the body, encouraging a sense of being able to ‘let go’. 

Bergamot’s uplifting and balancing nature makes it useful for stressful states, melancholy, and dispelling nervous energy such as nervous butterflies.


How to use:

Essential oils can be used on their own or in a personalized blend. 

Simply add drops from each of your chosen oils into a small glass amber bottle with a dropper lid. 

Your chosen single oil or blend can then be used in any of the following ways.

Massage oil:

1 drop per every 1ml of carrier oil

Massage into body morning or night.


Maximum 8 drops

Mix with a small amount of carrier oil and add to a running bath.


Maximum 6 drops

Add drops to washcloth or sponge and rub briskly over the body whilst standing under the running water.


2-6 drops

Added to a bowl of warm water which feet are soaked in.


1-6 drops

Ideal for filling a room with essential oil aroma. Never leave a room unattended when diffuser uses an open flame.

Tissue or handkerchief:

1 drop

Inhaled deeply when required for fast-acting, acute relief.

Try this tried and tested stress blend, diffused into any room to help bring a sense of calm and harmony.

Lavender 2 drops

Chamomile 1 drop

Rose 2 drops

Bergamot 1 drop



It is important to prioritize the use of high-quality, non-synthetic, and organic essential oils. Do not use neat on the skin and always blend with a carrier oil prior to topical use. These oils are recommended for topical use only or to be inhaled, not to be ingested or taken internally. 


- Article by Naturopath Kate Dalliessi

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