Our recipes & blog

What's In Your Organic Fruit & Veg Box? (27th & 29th May)
Pumpkins aren't just for Halloween. They are a powerhouse of nutrition and flavour, perfect for your autumn cooking. Next week's star of our Huckleberry Organic Fruit & Veg Box is the Certified Organic Pumpkin from Hawke's Bay. Our organic pumpkins promise high-levels of nutrients and flavour in every bite. 
What's In Your Organic Fruit & Veg Box? (20th & 22nd May)
We’re thrilled to introduce this week’s Veg of the Week - the vibrant and nutritious Certified Organic Pak Choy from Leeston! Pak Choy, also known as Bok Choy, is a variety of Chinese white cabbage that’s packed with health-promoting nutrients. It’s an excellent source of vitamins C and K, and also offers some fiber, an important nutrient for overall health.
What's In Your Organic Fruit & Veg Box? (13th & 15th May)
Our Huckleberry Organic Fruit & Veg box brings you the season’s best, and next week, we’re thrilled to introduce the Veg of the Week - the locally grown Certified Organic Rainbow Chard from Leeston. This colourful marvel isn’t just a feast for the eyes; it’s packed with health benefits. Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and minerals like magnesium and iron, rainbow chard supports robust immunity and bone health.
What's In Your Organic Fruit & Veg Box? (6th & 8th May)
This week, we’re thrilled to introduce our Fruit of the Week - the luscious, spray-free tomatoes, freshly handpicked from the fields of Auckland. These vibrant gems are bursting with health benefits. Packed with vitamin C, potassium, and the antioxidant lycopene, they’re a heart-healthy choice that supports your wellbeing.
What's In Your Organic Fruit & Veg Box? (29th April & 1st May)
This week, we shine the spotlight on the Corno di Toro pepper, also known as the ‘Bull’s Horn.’ These elongated, sweet peppers, reminiscent of a bull’s majestic horns, are a culinary delight. Their thick walls and robust flavour make them perfect for a variety of autumn recipes. 
What's In Your Organic Fruit & Veg Box? (22nd & 24th April)
Next week, we’re excited to share a vibrant selection of produce in your Huckleberry Organic Fruit & Veg Box. We’ve carefully curated a mix that celebrates the best of what the season has to offer, ensuring each item is as nourishing as it is delicious.
What's In Your Organic Fruit & Veg Box? (15th & 17th April)
Next week, we’re thrilled to spotlight the BioGro Certified Organic Bosc Pears from Rangiora. These pears are a true autumnal delight, boasting a rich, sweet flavour and a firm yet tender texture. Not only are they delicious, but they’re packed with health benefits, such as being a great source of fibre and vitamin C. Click to find out what's in your Huckleberry Organic Fruit & Veg Box next week.
What's In Your Organic Fruit & Veg Box? (8th & 10th April)
Get ready to embrace our Veg of the Week - the BioGro Certified Organic Leeks from Gisborne in next week's Huckleberry Organic Fruit & Veg Box. Gisborne's rich soil and pristine climate provide the perfect conditions for cultivating these crisp and vibrant leeks. Being BioGro certified organic ensures that you're getting the very best in quality and sustainability, straight from the heart of New Zealand.
What's In Your Organic Fruit & Veg Box? (1st & 3rd April)
Welcome to another week of vibrant freshness delivered straight to your doorstep. This week, we're thrilled to introduce our new season Feijoas from the lush soils of Cambridge and BioGro Certified Organic Tangelos from the sunny orchards of Gisborne. Click to find out what's in next week's Huckleberry Organic Fruit & Veg Box.