Huckleberry ethos and organic principles for healthier living

Huckleberry ethos and organic principles for healthier living

Organic principles guide each decision made when it comes to carefully selecting the products on our shelves, and is far more than just choosing chemical-free. You can trust that the groceries, body care, and household items on shelf align with our values that strive to promote healthy living, prioritize sustainability and reducing environmental impact, and are socially responsible by upholding the welfare of animals and people.

We are proactive in caring for the environment by offering refill hubs with a wide range of organic and spray-free foods to scoop as much as required as well as ecostore refill stations. It means choosing products that are packaged in compostable or recyclable materials. Better yet, no packaging at all! And preserving our precious land by saying no to those that contribute to toxic pollution and habitat destruction. It's important for us to know exactly where our products come from to ensure standards for quality are upheld and it's why we are proud to have grown and continue to foster partnerships with local farmers and artisan suppliers.

Promoting healthier living in our community is also made possible with the support and advice from in-store qualified Naturopaths and Medical Herbalists. Our Naturopathic practitioners are experienced and knowledgeable and are available to help empower our customers with general well-being information or by giving advice and guidance for more specific health concerns.

A common topic frequently asked of our Naturopaths is for advice around food, especially when it comes to food sensitivities, allergies and other specific dietary needs. They are here to help explain and demystify complex dietary requirements, provide information on optimal nutrient intakes, and assist our customers in selecting the food items that are right for them from our extensive range of natural specialty foods (gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, keto, paleo, etc).

There is a wide range of natural and organic superfoods, nutritional supplements, and premium practitioner-only supplements that our Naturopaths can discuss with customers and may recommend to nourish health and vitality.
Each Huckleberry store also has a well-stocked herbal dispensary, full of quality herbal extracts that our Naturopaths use to formulate herbal remedies that are specific to and individuals' current health needs. Homeobotanical remedies, Bach flower essences, and First Light flower essences are also carried and may be dispensed by one of our Naturopaths.

Medicinal dried herbs are also available in-store and are a delicious, gentle way to benefit from the powerful healing properties of plants.

The safety of our community is a priority, so please always seek advice from one of our qualified practitioner team members before starting any new natural medicines as some may interact with medications or be unsuitable for certain states of health (pregnancy and breastfeeding). Just ask, we're here to help you!


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